
2021—2022  Ramón y Cajal Fellow. Department of Logic and Theoretical Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid.

2017—2021 Research Associate. Department of Philosophy, University of Hamburg.

2015—2017 Post-doctoral Research Fellow. LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy, Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science University of Barcelona.

2013—2015 Post-doctoral Research Fellow. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Autonoma y Nacional de México (UNAM), Mexico City.


2012 PhD in Philosophy. University of Nottingham. Thesis: The True Future of the Open Future Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Predelli. Examiners: Prof. Stephen Barker (internal), Dr Patrick Greenough (external).

2008 Visiting student. Department of Philosophy, New York University (Fall term)

2006—2007 Visiting student. Arché Research Centre, University of St Andrews. Supervisor: Prof. Crispin Wright.

2005 Graduation from University of Venice (Ca’ Foscari) with thesis L’ingiustizia del tempo. Analisi e critica del concetto di differenza ontologica nel pensiero di Emanuele Severino [The Injustice of Time: A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Ontological Difference in the Thought of Emanuele Severino] under the supervision of Prof. L. V. Tarca. Mark: 110/110 cum laude

2000—2001 Erasmus student. Technische Universtaet Berlin.


AOS: Metaphysics

AOC: Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic


[32]  Neppur si muove! Reply to Correia and Rosenkranz
Analysis, 2023, forthcoming

[31]  Don’t stop believing: fragmentalism and the problem of tensed belief explosion
The Philosophical Quarterly, 2023,

[30]  Composition as identity and the innocence of mereology
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2022, 105128– 143.

[29]  Universalism doesn’t entail extensionalism
Analysis, 2022, 82(2), 246-255.

[28]  How the block grows
American Philosophical Quarterly, 2022, 59(4): 377–389.

[27]  Mereología
Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica, 2022.

[26]  Open future, supervaluationism and the growing-block theory: a stage-theoretical account
Synthese (T.C.: Indeterminacy and Underdetermination), 2021, 199: 14249–14266

[25]  Mereological endurantism and being a whole at a time: reply to Costa
Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 2021.

[24]  Two notions of fusion and the landscape of extensionality
Philosophical Studies, 2021, 178 3443–3463.

[23]  Somewhere together: location, parsimony and multilocation
Erkenntnis, 2021.

[22]  Composition, identity and plural ontology
Synthese, 2021, 198: 9193–9210

[21]  There are no fundamental facts
Analysis, 2021, 81(1): 32–39.
Featured in OUP’s collection ‘Best of Philosophy’ papers for 2021.

[20]  On atomic composition as identity
Synthese (S.I.: Mereology and Identity), 2021, 198: 4519–4542.

[19]  How to make a gunky Spritz
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2019, 8(4): 250-9.

[18]  No ground for doomsday
Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 2019, 62:9-10, 1136-1156,

[17]  The open future
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019.

[16]  Fine’s trilemma and the reality of tensed facts
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2018, 7(13): 209-17.

[15]  Against ‘Against ‘Against Vague Existence”
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 11, 2018: 278-87.

[14]  A sudden collapse to nihilism
The Philosophical Quarterly, 2018, 68: 370–75.

[13]  Fine’s McTaggart: Reloaded
Manuscrito, Special Issue: Time and Reality, 2017, 40(1): 209-39.

[12]  Grounding, contingency and transitivity
Ratio, 2017, 30(1): 1-4.

[11]  Parts ground the whole and are identical to it
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2016, 94(3): 489-98.

[10]  Grounds, roots and abysses
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2016, 5(1): 41-52.

[9]  How to change the past in one-dimensional time
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 2015, 96(1): 1-11.

[8]  Indeterminate actuality and the open future
Analysis, 2013, 73(2): 248-260.

[7]  Branching time, actuality and the puzzle of retrospective determinacy
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy,2012, 1(1): 16-25.

[6]  Escape from epistemic island
Analysis, 2012 , 72(3): 498-506.

[5]  Fatalism and the necessity of the present: reply to Campbell
Analysis, 2010, 70(1): 76-78.

[4]  Free will and the necessity of the present
Analysis, 2009, 69(1): 63-69.

[3]  Yet another problem for reichenbachian approaches to the semantic analysis of indexical languages
The Reasoner, 2008, 2(6): 4-5.

[2] Actuality in the garden of forking paths
in M. Carrara & V. Morato, Language, Knowledge and Metaphysics: selected papers from the 1st SIFA Graduate Conference, 2008, College Publications, London.

[1]  Tempo, totalitá e contraddizione: ció che il principio non dice
[Time, totality and contradiction: what the principle does not say] In: Francesco Altea, Francesco Berto (eds), Scenari dell’impossibile. La contraddizione nel pensiero contemporaneo [Scenarios of the impossible. Contradiction in contemporary thought], 2007, Il Poligrafo, Padova.


[19]  Spring 21/22: Logic II, Complutense University of Madrid, undergraduate (in Spanish).

[18]  Fall 20/21: Mereology, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar). Zoom meetings (due to COVID-19 outbreak)

[17]  Spring 19/20: Introduction to the metaphysics of time, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar). prerecorded lectures (due to COVID-19 outbreak)

[16]  Spring  19/20: Temporal parts, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar). Zoom meetings (due to COVID-19 outbreak)

[15]  Fall 19/20: Composition as Identity, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[14]  Fall 19/20: The open future, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[13]  Spring 18/19: Tense and reality, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[12]  Spring 18/19: Parts and places, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[11]  Spring 18/19: Introduction to meta-ontology, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar).

[10]  Fall 18/19: Material Objects, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[9]  Fall 18/19: Topics in the Metaphysics of Time, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar).

[8]  Spring 17/18: The Moving Spotlight, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[7]  Spring 17/18: Introduction to Meta-Metaphysics, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar).]

[6]  Spring 17/18: Topics in Metaphysics, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar).

[5]  Fall 17/18: Mereology, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Hauptseminar).

[4]  Fall 17/18: Introduction to Philosophy of Time, University of Hamburg, undergraduate (Proseminar).

[3]  Fall 16/17: Topics in Ontology, University of Barcelona, graduate.

[2]  Spring 13/14: Ontology, UNAM, undergraduate (co-taught with José Edgar González Varela, in Spanish).

[1]  Fall 13/14: Presentism and the grounding objection, UNAM, graduate.

Other teaching activities

07/19 Grounding and the open future. 2nd day of the Reading Seminar
‘The Metaphysics of Agency, Past and Future’. 15 – 17 July 2019. University of Hamburg


2020  Nikolai Ballast, BA, University of Hamburg

Organizations of events

07/19 Co-organizer of the Hamburg Summers School in Truthmaker Semantics, 22-26 July, University of Hamburg.

Talks & Conferences

10/22 University of Vienna. Grounding, grounding and partial grounding. Conference, Fundamentality and the fringes of explanation. 14-15 October 2022. Online [invited] Zoom talk.

16/2 University of Leiden, Fragmentalism: putting all the pieces together (joint work with Claudio Calosi and Samuele Iaquinto) Workshop, Perspectival Facts: Fragmentalism and Rival Approaches. 21-23 June 2020. [invitedZoom talk.

11/20 University of Lisbon, LanCog group. Grounding the future and the future of grounding. 6 November 2020. [invitedZoom talk.

10/20 University of Torino,  Grounding the future and the future of grounding. 15 October 2020. [invitedZoom talk.

05/20 University of Leiden. TBA. Workshop: Fragmentalism and rival approaches. 7-8 May 2020. [invited] Cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

04/20 University of Geneva,  Grounding the future (and the future of grounding). 1 April 2020. [invitedZoom talk.

03/20 University of Lisbon, LanCog group. Grounding the future (and the future of grounding). 13 March 2020. [invitedCancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak.

10/19 University of Leiden. On being identical to a plurality of atoms. Workshop: Identity, extensionality and constitution. 24 October 2019. [invited]

07/19 University of Hamburg. Grounding the future (and the future of grounding). International Workshop ‘Agency, Past and Future’ 18-20 July 2019. [invited]

05/19 University of Hamburg. Grounding the future (and the future of grounding). Forschungskolloquim.

01/18 University of Hamburg. On the plurality of moving spotlights. Forschungskolloquim.

02/18 University of Glasgow. How the block grows, Workshop: Glasgow meets Hamburg. [invited]

01/18 University of Hamburg. How the block grows, Forschungskolloquim.

07/17 University of HamburgCross-temporal grounding is not the end of the world, Forschungskolloquim.

10/16 University of Sassari. Grounding, portions of reality and ontological free lunches, Conference: Grounding grounding, Alghero. [refereed]

09/16  University of Milan. Presentism is not the end of the world, Workshop: Presentism, Centre for Philosophy of Time. [refereed​]

04/16 University of Dresden. Grounding, grounding and partial grounding, Workshop: The Metaphysics of Grounding. [invited]

03/16 University of Barcelona. Reality and Time, Seminar in Metaphysics (SM), LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy​.

02/16 University of Barcelona. Grounding, fundamentality and the reality of temporal passage, LOGOS seminar, LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy​.

11/15 University of Barcelona. Grounding and necessary connections, PERSP Metaphysics Seminar, LOGOS Research Group in Analytic Philosophy​.

09/14 UNAM. Reply to: Aliosha Barranco López ‘Esencialismo y anti-esencialismo’, Segundo taller de estudiantes asociados, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Mexico City

09/14 UNAM. Reply to: Kris McDaniel ‘Being and Essence’. Intensional/Hyperintensional, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas, UNAM, Mexico City

03/14 UNAM. Metaphysical Dependence and Partial Grounding, Seminario de Investigadores, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas, UNAM, Mexico City

02/14 UNAM. A Plea for Partial Fundamentality, Seminario de Filosofia de Lenguaje, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas, UNAM, Mexico City

10/13 UNAM. The Grounding Problem and the Reality of Temporal Passage, Seminario de Investigadores, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas, UNAM, Mexico City

11/10 University of Barcelona. Actuality, Relativism and the Open Future, II Semantic Content Workshop, LOGOS—Logic, Language and Cognition Research Group. [invited]

11/09 University of Oxford. The True Future of Branching Time, The 13th Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference,  [refereed​]

09/09 University of Leeds. The True Future of Branching Time, The 4th Annual CMM Graduate Conference. [refereed]

05/09 University of Stockholm. Actuality in the Open Future, The 1st Stockholm Philosophy Graduate Conference. [refereed​]

04/09 CUNY Graduate Center. Actuality, Relativism and the Open Future, 12th CUNY Annual Philosophy Graduate Student Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, New York. [refereed]

09/07 University of Padova. Actuality in the Garden of Forking Paths, 1st SIFA Graduate Conference, University of Padova

07/07 University of St Andrews. Actuality in the Garden of Forking Paths, Arché Relativism Seminar, University of St Andrews

11/05 University of Venice. Tempo, totalitá e simultaneitá [Time, Totality and Simultaneity], Conference:  A partire da Severino [Themes From Severino], University of Venice.

Professional duties

Referee for the journals Mind, Journal of Philosophy, The Philosophical Quarterly, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Studies, Philosophers’ Imprint, Analysis, Synthese, Erkenntnis, the Journal of the APA, Inquiry, PhilosophiaDialecticaCrítica, Teorema, Theoria, Dianoia, Argumenta.

Grants and awards

2015—2017 Beatriu de Pinós/Marie Curie Post-doctoral Research Fellowship.

2015—2017 FAPESP Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, State of São Paulo, Brazil [declined].

2013—2015 Post-doctoral Research Fellowship. UNAM. Mexico City.

2010—2011 Royal Institute of Philosophy Bursary

2007—2010 Full Funding PhD Studentship. University of Nottingham.

2006—2007 Study Abroad Funding. University of Venice.